...it is the same hoodie you were wearing when you kissed me for the first time. i still remember the butterfly feelings. in fact, they never really went away - i am sick with warm pains and bloody feelings of adoration. All in all, it's a privilege to be kept close to you, and i wish you could see yourself from my eyes.

yes, there are many fragments inspired by my feelings for you. i'm sure you could parse them apart if you tried, but it's the sort of thing you shouldn't think about too much. all good things - to be yours is a curse that makes me the luckiest girl in the world.
God, what is wrong with me?
my professor's explaining this huge assignment worth a greater portion of my grade than i would care to admit, and i'm sitting here writing love notes. a curse that makes me the luckiest girl in the world.

i think of you when i hear this song. it's a good thing. actually i think about you all the time -- you've taken over my journal and my brain and my heart. you're in my headphones, my walk to school, and the light peeking through my curtains in the morning. i'm too tired and congested and trying to look like i'm paying attention rn to say it as eloquently as Henry Mitchell, but i think about you all the time.
Yeah, you got me.
